
2007 - 2024

Blake was such a stubborn dog. He was a fighter. He fought everything that came at him and I don't know if he did it for me or just because he was stubborn, but he fought until he couldn't anymore.
Blake had a long life and he left behind so many good memories. There was a time he ran away from home and I found him at our neighbor's back porch sitting with his best friend who was crated inside the door. There was a time his curiosity of new things almost got the better of him because a doe thought he was a threat to her baby, even though he wasn't and he was just standing there watching her. He loved to just wander and be outside. Every time I would let go of his leash, he would go straight to the mailbox and sniff it before deciding his next move. I am going to miss having to chase after him. I am going to miss him yelling at me because he had to poop and I wasn't moving fast enough. I am going to miss hearing him dreaming from the other room. I could talk about Blake all day. He taught me how to be a dog mom and how to be the best one I can be. Letting him go was the hardest thing I've ever had to do, but knowing he isn't in pain anymore will be what helps me get through this.