Sophia Maria

2011 - 2023

Sophia was born Feb. 13th, 2011: our sweet, little valentine baby! Sophia was a Boston Terrier! We adopted her in April of 2011. Wow, are BOSTONs wild little things! Lol. Sophia never slowed down! Even on her last days! She was still her crazy Boston self! She lived with her mom & dad & had 6 cats, most that loved her and some that loved to play hard with her-- Brisket, Lil' Momma, Yoda, Whiskey, Ruger & Remington. Sophia was greater by: Lil' Jon, Sage & Asia up in fur heaven! Sophia was never really scared of ANYTHING! One day outside she thought she could even take on a garter snake! Only to have it strike her in her eyebrow! Even on benadryl Sophia never slowed downed! Before she was a year old, she even learned to swim with her human dad by her side. Sophia enjoyed car rides and sometimes pestering the cats! One cat she liked to really play with was Whiskey, even though we had way too many vet visits from Whiskey getting her in them bulgy eyes! Sophia never stopped her play attacks with Whiskey. Sophia had a favorite toy we called her ducky or "sucky ducky" since day one she liked to suck! Started with a blanket we had & we got her this duck! And it was a new duck every 6months or so, but her new recent toy was lamb chop! I got it for her birthday, but not knowing how long we had with her she got it before her birthday & she sucked on lamb chop till her last day as well. Sophia was always go, go, go! Took a lot to knock that girl out! But when you finally got there she was out cold! She slept hard & took a little bit to wake up, but once up she bounced back and she was her crazy Boston self as usual! Sophia had a really cute print to her. She was a black and white Boston but she also had almost like polka dots of black specks on her. She was a beautiful girl that loved every stranger she met! Everyone loved her so much as well! All our neighbors loved seeing her and always would give her love when they saw her out! Sophia was taken way too soon from us and will be greatly missed! We are so happy to have so many amazing memories of her! Rest easy, our sweet Sophia!