Teddy Hansen

"To sweet, adorable, gentle Teddy, I am heartbroken without you, missing you so very much. You made me smile and laugh and love every single day. How I wish I could have you back in my lap cuddling with your head pressed against me and your eyes closed. I am so grateful for the mornings you came in and snuggled under the covers, for your happy trot to the kitchen for your morning treat, for your happy purring and talkative chirps and meows every time you greeted me. We were pals who did the days together, loving the sun, flowers, bugs and critters, wrapping presents, watering plants, cooking in the kitchen, reading books and exploring nature, snuggling on the fuzzy pillow by the fire. You had a golden heart Teddy, you gave me so much love. I will never forget you dear Teddy, you left me too soon.
Forever love to you Teddy."